The Reason Fasting Will Work for YOU when Dieting won’t

During a recent coaching session, I was asked how fasting differs from eating a low calorie diet, especially for people who don’t eat very much or very often.

It’s a legitimate question given that for the longest time we thought that one of the laws of thermodynamics is the only thing to know regarding our metabolism. This law of physics as it relates to our physiology states that whatever amount of energy (calories) we eat must be equal to or less than the energy (calories) we use or our body gains fat. You’ve probably seen it this way: Calories in = Calories out = stable body weight.

Have you ever considered the difference that happens in our bodies between eating 100 calories of a doughnut and 100 calories of an avocado? Besides what we feel from the sweet dough (we may enjoy the flavors, textures and the experience), the biggest difference is the signal that our hormones send. And hormones, my friend, are what drive our bodies, NOT just calories.

Obviously, a doughnut and an avocado differ on almost every level, and so does the hormone release when we eat them.

Doughnuts = glucose spike > insulin spike > sugar/fat storage > energy crash

Avocado = steady glucose and insulin levels > sugar/fat use > stable energy

Could these two scenarios be any different? In fact, they are opposite in every way. And since they are, you can see reducing our physiology to ONLY thinking calories mattered is a complete insult to how intricately our bodies function.

BUT, here’s the exciting thing: we don’t have to have a physiology PhD to get healthy (thank goodness!)! We don’t have to understand how everything works; we can just let it work.

This is why fasting is such a miracle.

When we choose to rest digestion for different periods and frequencies of time, our body can use the energy we typically spend digesting on doing more important things like reducing systemic inflammation (which leads to ALL the chronic diseases), reducing blood glucose and insulin (which stimulates fat metabolism), detoxing our liver and kidneys (two of the most important systems that help us get rid of waste), heal our digestion (important for nutrient absorption, hormone balance and excretion), use stored fat for fuel, reduce brain fog/sleepiness/low motivation, and MANY, MANY, MANY other significant reactions.

And all we do is NOTHING. We get to do less and let our body do more.

You can probably sense how passionate I am about sharing this message with people (especially women over 40yo) who are ready to get healthy. And that’s why I’m writing you.

IF you’re ready (or someone you know who needs this message), so am I. I can help you change your life for the better, give you the tools to sustain or continue the change after we’re done working together. And you can get started today.

Living in a healthy, pain-free, disease-resistant, energetic, satisfied body will be a reality for you. The only thing you need is your willingness to start.

I’ve done the work to create the systems to support, educate and sustain the change.

If a woman in your life is struggling with feeling her best, send her this message. I’m looking for 4 women who are READY to go right now.

If you’re curious about whether fasting can be a fix for you, check out my other blogs here!


The Magic of March


Dreaming a Dream for You